

The South Campus 测试中心 is excited to now offer the 米勒类比测验 (垫)从皮尔逊. We are currently the only Community College in North Carolina to offer the 垫 administration.

The 垫 is a high-level test of analytical ability that requires the solution of problems stated as analogies. The 垫 consists of 120 partial analogies that are to be completed in 60 minutes. The test measures your ability to recognize relationships between ideas, 你的英语流利程度, 还有你的人文常识, 自然科学, 以及社会科学. It is designed to reflect candidates’ analytical thinking, an ability that is critical for success in both graduate school and professional life, which is why it is a requirement for admissions to many graduate programs.


The 垫 involves general academic knowledge and analytical skills acquired over years of study and learning, 所以死记硬背不会有太大帮助. 而不是, familiarize yourself with the structure of the 垫 by reviewing the content descriptions and study items available in the 垫学习指南 皮尔逊提供.

在线完成 实践测试 that are designed to familiarize you with the types of items and the specific content areas that you will encounter on the 垫.

General Test-Taking Strategies for the 垫 from Pearson

  • 为考试做好身心准备. Be well-rested and remember to eat prior to your appointment. 穿着舒适的.
  • Work quickly, but carefully, not dwelling on items that are unfamiliar or seem too difficult.
  • Skip the items that are most difficult and return to them as time allows. 答错不扣分.
  • If you are not sure which answer is correct, eliminate as many options as you can first.
  • 如果你对你选择的答案有疑问, 只有当你有正当理由时才改变你的选择.

Specific Strategies for Solving 垫 Analogies from Pearson

  • Read each of the three given terms carefully and then determine the relationships between the two possible pairs among the three given terms.
  • 不看答案选项, think of a fourth term that would complete the analogy along with the three given terms.
  • Examine the answer options and select the option that most closely resembles your idea of a term that would complete the analogy.
  • Regardless of how the terms in a 垫 analogy are presented, there is only one valid and logical relationship that exists between each pair of terms.
  • For more detailed information about solving 垫 analogies, please visit their website at




  • 借记卡/信用卡  You can pay online using a debit/credit card by accessing the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College 官方的支付 代管付款的网站. You can use Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. 在 家机构 方框,请键入 . 如果你用这种方式在线支付,你是 要求 to bring a printed copy of the payment confirmation for your scheduled appointment and/or show the confirmation email on your cell phone prior to the beginning of your test administration. If you lose your confirmation, you can access it through the 官方的支付 通过点击 付款确认 沿着灰色工具栏.
  • 现金, If you prefer to pay with cash, you may do so upon arrival. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time if you are paying with cash. 您的付款将在导航站被接受, which is the large desk located at the main entrance of the building 1000. You will receive a receipt for your payment that is to be shown prior to test administration.


请电邮Kathy Hall (凯西, 704-216-3468), Director of 测试中心s, to schedule your 垫 administration. Appointments are scheduled on an individual basis to try to accommodate the test-takers’ work and school schedules and other life activities.


The 垫 is only administered at South Campus located at 1531 Trinity Church Road, Concord, NC 28027. 测试中心位于1000号楼, which is the middle brick building that is rounded toward the parking lots. The 测试中心 is the middle hallway and you will see a sign with an arrow for the 测试中心.

What do I need to bring with me for my testing appointment?

皮尔逊要求你出示两份有效的(i.e., unexpired) forms of identification (ID) for 垫 administration. Your primary form of ID must be government-issued and contain both your photograph and your signature. The second form of ID is not 要求 to have your photograph or signature.

Acceptable primary forms of ID (government-issued with photograph and signature) include:

  • 国家颁发的驾驶执照
  • 政府签发的身份证或护照

Acceptable secondary forms of ID (photograph and signature not 要求) include, 但不限于:

  • 信用卡或借记卡
  • 图书卡
  • Utility bill with your name and address appearing exactly the same as on your primary form of ID

Any candidate providing false identification or misrepresenting his or her identity at any time will be dismissed from the testing room and have his or her 垫 scores cancelled. Pearson may consider further legal action in such cases.

也, be aware that admittance to the CTC (Controlled 测试中心) does not guarantee the acceptability of your forms of identification or that your 垫 scores will be processed. All reported cases of questionable identification are subject to review and approval by Pearson. Pearson strongly recommends that you bring several forms of ID with you, 以防测试管理员对其中一个问题提出质疑.